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Earn, Save, Invest: 3 Rich Habits for Life.


The habit of earning more

While I love Dimon’s one-two punch of save & invest, I also believe that increasing your earnings potential is a way to build wealth faster. While I don’t think it’s necessary to destroy your mental well-being by continuously chasing more money, I do think it’s natural to earn more over your lifetime.

I believe that a person can only earn more by learning more. The more we learn, the more value we can provide to other people and organizations. And that’s how we earn more.

Now, does that mean you need to set unrealistic goals like, “I want to make a million dollars a year”? No. The problem with our society is that we get fixated on random figures.

$100,000 a year is something a lot of people focus on. Why? It’s useless to work so hard and to sacrifice so much to earn a certain amount of money, only to get burnt out the year after. 

Instead, I see earning more like a habit. Every year, I want to learn new skills and ways that increase my earning potential. I don’t look at the amount of money I make. I look at whether I’m making progress. That’s what matters more than anything.


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